Lighting Artist

Doll Story

 Doll Story

Doll Story is an Animated Short Film directed by Zandria Ross. I've been able to work on the project as a look development artist for the living room assets and as a lighting, rendering, and compositing artist for nearly a fourth of the film.

 Overcoming the technical problems has been the most time consuming challenges for me. Working in the end of the pipeline gives me the amazing opportunity to put everyone's work into one scene or nuke file. Collecting alembics from animators and FX artists, reassigning the right textures to each asset, and pulling apart images to denoise and perfect each piece has been my main role on the film, after getting the lighting just right! 

I'm lucky to be surrounded by a supportive team of friends who are quick to respond to problems with files, caches, formats, etc., and I'm glad I could help see this film through to completion in my senior year at SCAD.