Lighting Artist


 “Scuttle” - Game Jam 2019

I took the opportunity to participate with an amazing team to create something goofy and fun in the span of 48 hours. “Scuttle” was born through Game Jam’s 2019 theme “What Home Means to You” and a friend’s crazy idea to make a hermit crab fighter-style game. The goal is to be the biggest boy! Challenge other crabs to fight and upgrade your shell. Check out our trailer below:

In my team, there were 10 of us in total. I was able to texture about half of the shells and light the scene in Unreal. In the end, I couldn’t have had a better team to work with. We were ambitious but all finished what we needed to do. With more time, I’d love to go back and add some contrasting warm lights on the hero character parented to the camera.

We won “Best Use of Theme” in our segment of Game Jam! Here’s a link to our submission page which also has a beta version of the game free to download here.

These are all the assets I textured! Each one is a shell that you can fight to earn in-game!

All We Are…
